Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sabbatical #1

I have decided to allot myself two weeks during the year where I take a sabbatical from writing. This is quite abrupt and I do apologize for the lack of any forewarning. My decision was prompted by the fulfillment of one of my blogging fears: Getting behind on writing. (Why I need this blog.)

While it was prompted by getting behind, I believe regularly allowing myself two breaks throughout the year will provide the following benefits:

  • Prevents writing from becoming burdensome. 
    • As mentioned in Why you need this blog, I believe writing (and reading) should be an enjoyable experience.
      • Having a month off between posts caters to this :)
  • Prevents writers fatigue.
  • Allows built in time to extensively research and write difficult topics (a.k.a. unemployment assistance).
  • Allows me to skip writing during extremely busy times of the year (mostly summer).
  • Enables me to work on continuously updated blog sections (biography, what I’m reading, read this first, etc.)
    • I currently feel these are underdeveloped and in need of some TLC.

I look forward to getting myself back on schedule and as a forewarning my next sabbatical may be very soon since Republic of Russ turns 1 year old on August 9th!

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