Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blog Map

Planning without action is futile, action without planning is fatal.

A man without a plan is a man planning to fail.

Blog Map General Overview
Four months of blogging has further affirmed my need to create a master organizational chart of how I intend to weave together numerous blog posts of various topics. I hope a flexible framework to intelligibly order posts will achieve a greater continuity of writing and assist readers to know what is coming down the pipeline. In addition, I believe an organic organization will aid me in resisting the urge to write about whatever I feel like resulting in randomness, confusion, and wasted time contemplating what to write about each week. 

The diagram to your immediate right is symbolic of a might river having numerous tributaries flowing into each segment. Listed below are massive organizational charts and a solid block of text inclusive of individual posts. Please click on the charts to follow a link to a larger document. All of the charts contain the same information simply presented in different formats. Upon completion they were very messy so check them out and see what works best for you! 

Throughout the year I will be continually updating my blog map so please check permanent link in the blog directory to your right often!

Master Blog Map Charts:

Downloadable Charts (for easier viewing): Blog Map Organizational Chart, Blog Map Vertical Chart, Blog Map Horizontal Chart

Master Blog Map Text Block:

Role of government --> Voting issues --> Basic Level of Care -->Food Assistance -->Private Charities: Overview -->Private Charities: Economic Reason -->Private Charities: Outcome Reason --> Private Charities: Freedom and Social Reasons -->Private Charities: Concerns -->Food Assistance: Specific Numbers -->Poverty Line Calculation -->Maximum Lifetime Limits -->Secondary Safety Net --> Subsidized Housing: Overview -->Subsidized Housing: Rent Control -->Unemployment and Disability -->Health Care: Overview -->Public and Private Health Care -->My Health Insurance Business Model -->Social Security --> Foreign Policy: Overview -->Defense Spending -->Iraq War -->Afghanistan War  -->Cost of Cruise Missile -->Education: Overview --> -->Education: Private/Public/Charter/Home Schooling --> Education: Teachers Unions -->Education: Government Subsidized Loans--> Education: Government Subsidized College Education --> Education: Myths of College Education --> Infrastructure: Overview --> Infrastructure: Transportation  --> Infrastructure: Pollution Controls --> Infrastructure: Disaster Management -->Government Subsidies: Overview (venture capitalist) --> Subsidies: Farm/Dairy -->Subsidies: Green Energy  --> Subsidies: Small Business --> Subsidies: Oil --> Subsidies: Tariffs -->Subsidies: Minimum Wage -->Tax Policy: Overview -->National Debt: Overview -->Government Spending Controls -->Rate of Wealth Redistribution -->Legislative System: Overview --> Legislative System: Super Majority -->Legislative System: Local Control -->Legalized Marijuana? --> Legalize Online Poker/Gambling  -->Discrimination/Affirmative Action -->Illegal Immigration -->Gay Marriage -->Abortion -->Gun Control -->Current Issues – will be mixed in before as well

Perhaps unsurprisingly due to the massive nature of my topical progression, it currently appears I have a sufficient number of topics to last me three years! A bittersweet realization indeed. I am slightly overwhelmed at the sheer volume of writing and formidable task that lies ahead, but greatly encouraged there is no reason to fear running out of material and excited by the numerous topics I am eager to write about.

Next Week’s Topic: Fantasy Football Part IV: Year End Review

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