Thursday, August 9, 2012

Why I need this blog.

I must confess my introductory post is the one I find most difficult to write. I have never been a writer, and I have little confidence in my ability to quickly capture my audience. Thus the best I can give you are my feelings of inadequacy in writing a structurally impressive piece of creative writing. I believe I am a much stronger writer of say... biology lab reports :)

While brainstorming on how to introduce my blog, 

I decided I wanted to primarily write about current issues our country and world is facing. Due to the political nature of my blog I decided upon the name: 

“The Republic of Russ”

In brief I am 26 year old pharmacist living in Bemidji, Minnesota (As my friend Matt puts it: “So, you live in Canada.”). For a more extensive personal history, please my biography.

A few of the reasons I decided to start blogging:
  • Writing helps me organize my thoughts and aids me in my everyday conversations.
  • I continually encourage my wonderful wife, Renae (pictured below), she should blog more (here is her wonderful blog: Devotedly Red), therefore I feel a strong urge to avoid hypocrisy.

  • Gain a broader understanding of topics
    • I fear I may be narrow-minded in my young age and lack of real world experience. Therefore, I hope to acquire competing perspectives on issues.
      • PLEASE take the time to comment on my posts, I look forward to reading and learning from the insight of others.
      • Please email or comment anonymously if you desire for your identity to remain hidden.

(Insert transition) Often times when I write I understand a certain element of writing, in this case a transition, is needed. However, as I have limited writing experience, such elements can be profoundly challenging and distracting. Thus, when writing, I will just put in parentheses what needs to go there and go back and add it in later. As I find it humorous I do this while write, coupled with the fact I still cannot think of anything to put there, I will just leave this one in its "rough draft" form.

Speaking of challenges, I will end with what I envision will be difficult for me in my blogging adventure.
  • Holding your interest when (not if) my thoughts become too intellectual and drawn out.
    • If you haven’t noticed by the 409 word introduction, I like to use a lot of words; I will try to trim it down as best I can.
  • Being disciplined in writing and publishing posts.
    • It is my goal to publish 2 posts a month.
    • By the time I publish this post I will have actually have written 8-10 posts.
      • Consider me a cheater, or consider me intelligent…
  • Achieving an optimal mix of posting current issues and current events in my life.

I apologize for the abrupt ending, however, I originally had written a lengthier introductory post and upon review 1.5 years later :), I decided to break it into two posts. Next week I will detail why you need this blog, followed by my best attempt at summarizing the beliefs/values that shape my identity.

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